Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wild Card 1: Or, week 3's required update.


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Now that you have some idea of what I'll continue with, let the spoilers begin!

So, overwhelming majority voted for Re5 insights... Let's start with the beginning. Some of this will be review for some of you, some of this will be new.

The movie was filmed in one day, last may, at Lake O' the Pines. Peter and I went camping, with the express intent to film this movie. The script was never written; we (mostly me) formed the skeleton of the plot, applied it to both characters, got a few basic ideas beforehand, then let the cameras roll and ad-libbed. It was a very relaxed shoot, though sadly not one prone to bloopers creation. There was like only one blooper I remember in the dialog shots that called for a reshoot...largely because I started laughing. In Hero's lunch dialog, Peter started it off once with "I was craving some serious Varmints!" Instead of, you know, vittles.

Also, in case anyone asks about my role as "Self Injurer?" when we headed back to campsite for lunch, I tripped over a small fence and severely bruised inside of leg/scraped shin. I could barely walk for an hour, which is what in the end caused the Final Battle to be moved. Also, the meals we mentioned? All were true to life. For breakfast we had summer sausage (which I'd accidentally refrigerated), Omlettes in bags (which didn't cook properly, and therefor were in fact very slimy) and hot dogs for supper. (I didn't steal mine though)

Also, Peter refused to do anything once we had it filmed. So, I did all the editing. Another funny moment on set was not too long after we got the "blue screen" set up, some campground people came over and asked us what we were doing. I explained we were filming a movie, using the tarp as a blue screen, and he asked what kind of movie it was. I told him it was a comedy, and he looked a bit more enlightened, said "ooooh" and left. After he was gone Peter said, "Man, I was going to tell him it was a romantic comedy!"

There was a beat's pause, and I said, "Uhm, Peter? It's just you and me. Two guys." At that point Peter realized what he would have said, and we both burst out laughing. I can't speak for him, but for me it was half amusement half extreme gladness he hadn't, in fact, said that.

Um...insights...So, this will probably be the last movie I make. Not only am *I* more busy now, Peter more busy, but I doubt he'd want to dust off the Hero mantle again. And, to be honest, it's probably for the best. I simply don't have the talent/resources to make really good movies, so I may as well let it sink into the realm of "Discarded hobbies" where it belongs. So long, movie making. It's been fun.

---Flynn, the Hobo with a Home.


Liss said...

You have the talent. :P But I agree about the time.

As said during the premier showing, AWESOME!! :D

AJ said...

^_^ Hah! That's awesome! :lol:

I annoyed my mom by laughing pretty much the whole time :P